Wednesday, 16 April 2014

VillaFranca de barros

We leave early to beat the heat for Karen. It is warm around 25 degrees but the walk is only 20 kms and undulating through olive farms and vineyards. The road is hard pressed dirt and stones so quite good underfoot if my feet weren't already sore. I am wearing my new boots and trusting I have made the right decision. They feel heavenly compared to my old ones. My toes seem to spread and even though I have blisters on both little toes it is more comfy.  The stones don't press through the soles either.  By the end of this walk I may be wearing size 39!

I keep Karen company on and off as she is a slower walker and I know how dispiriting it can be to be last all the time.
The country is more olive trees and vines but the olive trees must be really old as they have huge trunks.

It seems to go fairly quickly today but I am still glad to get to the albergue El Carmen. Our hospitalaria had booked ahead for us under my name. The boots have not added to my feet issues so I think I will ditch my old boots. We have a very nice modern clean room and a kind of foot bath shower. I take the opportunity to soak off my bandages and air my mangled feet in the sun. 

They look gross but are on the mend. 
Andy shoots off to the mercado(market) down the street for milk and wine, cheese and biscuits to tide us over till dinner. Peter takes to the patio to sun himself under the washing. I expose my blisters to the Spanish sun. It is a hard life!
Katarina has emailed to say she was the only pilgrim in her albergue and she was given the key and left to lockup! She has asked for a room on her own occasionally but this was extreme! I email her back to let her know where we are.  There are new pilgrims now who have started from other spots and are only walking for a week or so. We will head out later to investigate the town.
We have been amused by the number of people touting the albergues. This is a new development on this route and I think the economic advantages of accommodating pilgrims for these towns has been realised.
I am looking forward to a two day stay in Merida. I can tell I need a rest.

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