Thursday, 10 April 2014

Day two completed Castiblanco de Los Arroyos

What a beautiful walk today. After passing the ugly industrial part we entered fields of orange groves and olive trees. Walking through a haze of orange blossom perfume was quite heavenly. I was walking with Guy but we soon caught up with Katarina (German) and then Marian who is very fleet of foot. I had my first comfort stop a natural today. The path was rough like an Aussie track but bordered by wild flowers and pasture for cows and horses. I walked on my own for most of the time and really enjoyed it. I took out my sticks for the first time to take the weight off my knees which felt a bit achy yesterday.
I scored another blister today and it crossed my mind that it would have been better to have my old boots for this type of walking. 
We stopped just on the outskirts of town and all caught up with each other.  I decided to lunch here and we dined on a potato and capsicum salad which was really tasty. After about 45 mins feeling refreshed we walked on to the Municipal Albergue.  It is very comfortable with a lovely hot shower and is filling fast with familiar faces. 
I do my washing and rest while I charge the phone, camera, and IPad. So much for being a pilgrim! Technology is ever present.
I am still having trouble with the photos and uploading so I am sorry to be so boring. I need someone to assist me I think. Karen gave me a gadget which downloads directly from camera to iPad but of course it isn't working for me! I think the universe is telling me to let it go.

For those who have walked with me in the past you would be astounded by my continence. I am usually the butt of  jokes about needing the loo, which was justified I admit, but retirement(?) has relaxed my over active bladder and I have been impressively unneedful of relief. Long May it continue.

Tomorrow we face a long walk of 28kms without towns so will need to stock up on water and food to keep our strength up. I am determined to take a rest every two hours and try to get away early. It is dark at 6:00 am so I am not keen to walk along the road in the dark.  Will see what the others decide.  It may be a late arrival tomorrow.
Katarina  doing her catch up with a few beers on the side.
The bar