Monday, 14 April 2014

On the way to Monasterio.

The mist lifted gradually to reveal a beautiful day. We walked into Extremadura today and the way markers changed to boxes with yellow for Camino, green for roman road or yellow and green for both on the same way. The road was lined with stone fences and all is neat and tidy. Large cattle graze in lush pasture. We finally get to this huge intersection and feel the need for a break. We head into a hito and reel with shock. It is a massive bus stop and there are hundreds of people buying souvenirs or food and drink and all seems chaotic. The good thing was there were lots of toilets but we couldn't bare it and retreated to the ice cream van outside and sat on some boulders lining the car park. We had felt completely assaulted after our quiet walking.


  1. Hi Kathy,
    I hope you are well and that the blisters are on the improve! I'm really enjoying reading your blog! At times I have laughed out loud and at others I have marvelled over the photos you have uploaded and the vivid imagery of the descriptions you have given of your sightseeing - what an incredible adventure you are on!! Love Monique x

    1. I have also laughed out loud while reading her blog isnt it fantastique

  2. Monique glad you are enjoying the blog. Blisters are getting better but feet still sore. I regret not bringing my old boots.

  3. Hello Kath, I am wincing at the thought of blisters - and only 800km to go! Liberal applications of G and T are recommended,
