Saturday, 12 April 2014

Altadena de la Platte to El Real de la Jara 16kms

Today we wake to a heavy wet mist. After stopping for a breakfast (1.70€) of fresh orange juice and an omelette we start the climb out of town past the Bull ring. And into country dotted with trees and lush pasture. It is somewhat eerie walking I the mist but also cool. we come across farm gates and chained dogs who bark but are not aggressive. The next is a herd of sheep, then goats waiting to be milked , we are on the lookout for wild pig but instead come across a pig farm but they are free range and not at all smelly. The animals are all so curious. The walking is steady uphill most if the way and rough again. My feet are sore but heel is bearable. I am glad I opted for a short walk today.
The scenery is really pretty and soon we are passed by the Frenchman on his horse and his wife who is walking. Lots of farm gates and delightful trees and birds singing. It is quite beautiful and pastoral and then we enter town.
We choose the private albergue that provides pillow cases and donnas. I decide to defer the shower till later today. Katarina and I go off to look around and see the church. It is closed and finally the mist lifts and we can see the castle. All these areas were Moorish then Christian at various stages. The legend here is that a deer / stag led the  Christians to the  castle  which they captured and it has been a Christian stronghold ever since.
I am really glad to give my boots a rest. My sandals are a nice change and let my soggy feet gary out.
The albergue has a lovely deck that we spend the afternoon siesta time on drinking wine and sharing photos. Karen shows me this little book about walking that a friend made for her which has quotes from Thomas Clark In  Praise of Walking.  It is as all treasure that I would like to make when I get home.
While we are sitting here enjoying the sun and writing our blogs our enigmatic Spanish pilgrim arrives. Juan I think is his name. He was the one who massaged my feet the first night out of Seville. He  never says much but always greets me so warmly and doesn't join us for dinner. He had a nasty blister which had to be dressed with a bandage. I hope mine doesn't go that way. The background noise is off dogs barking,and cocks crowing all overlaid with birds tweeting and the church bell ringing the time. All is so peaceful.

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, my feet are quite sore but I have lots of band aids to cover my blisters. There are lots of German people walking . They are very good walkers with long legs!
