Sunday, 6 July 2014

Hereford and Ludlow 6thJuly

Today I visited the Cathedral in Hereford which has a chained library and the Mappa Mundi a famous map of the world created in medieval times. I realised I have not been thinking about England as having so much medieval history but as a more modern country.  As I travel around the county I am reminded how rich the history is and how present it is. The broken castles are a constant reminder of medieval times as well as the English civil war and the devastation which occurred during that time. We studied British history at school but I had forgotten a lot. There is so much emphasis on walled towns in Spain and other European countries you forget Britain has an equally rich history beyond London.
There is also much evidence of  Iron Age civilisation around here too.
The cathedral has a chained library, ;a librarians dream, no stolen or misplaced books! The books are individually chained to a rod that runs the length of the shelf so volumes could be taken down but not away. They also have this fascinating Mappa Mundi  a map drawn on deer skin  depicting the world which had the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa and then England identified with animals and towns etc. it was not the sort of map you would use to go places but as a tool for learning and spiritual guidance. Jerusalem was at the centre. It is so interesting to know that they knew a lot about the world at that time.  Hereford was a centre for pilgrims too  in medieval times and they have re-established a chapel for pilgrims.
The Mappa Mundi c1300.  
Chained books
 Hereford Cathedral
Ludlow has a castle and beautiful cathedral also but is renown for its Main Street which is almost unchanged and has real character. At one end is the Butter market building with a clock and at the other is the Norman gate. The town was planned and built along the lines of a Norman town.
There was a market on and they had great quality local products. I bought a David Austen rose, Abraham Darby which has the most devine  perfume as a thank you gift for Andy and Karen.
Karen and I walked around the castle walls because they were setting up for a concert inside.
 A view across Ludlow castle.

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