Friday, 30 May 2014

Santiago day 3

We return to the Mass today hopefully to retrieve Peter's jacket and the keys to the apartment. Karen joins us this time and while it is the same priest he gives a different homily, which is just as down to earth and just as inspiring about living joyfully. The jacket had been put in the confessional box.  Not too many people would be looking there! We all stay for the pilgrims mass because the choir is singing. I had hoped the botafumeria might swing but alas no. Now they state that only Catholics can take communion which I thought was disappointing, especially as that was not the case at the English mass or when we did the Camino Frances in 2012.  Anyway the choir sang well and then had a further impromptu performance following the mass. 

We decide to go to lunch at this great little restaurant down a lane. The food was delicious and I was cracking jokes to the waitress when I handed her a clean plate that it had been a struggle and she understood the joke and said that it was famous Australian irony. I was surprised and delighted that she really understood. After the meal they brought coffee and liqueur that is local and practically singes the hair up your nose but was good in the coffee!Andy asked for a Cola Cao, which is like hot milk cocoa. In true Galician style, which is direct and earthy, she told him this was not a children's place! We all laughed.
A shop selling Galician products including the liqueur.
We pass the pilgrims office and there is a growing queue, mainly Camino Frances completes but no one we know from the Via de la Plata. We are waiting on Katharina and Almutt.

We all have errands to do but as it is siesta not much is open so we try to take a cathedral roof tour. No English tour is available so we need to try another day. It is the beauty of being here a few days that we can come back another time. We are all a bit tired now and need our own siesta. I finally get some new knickers on the way back. Mine are looking a little worse for wear after 7 weeks of hand washing and wringing day in and day out. Peter elects to take a bath. I have never met any guy who so loves a soak in a bath as Peter!  I snuggle under my blanket with a coffee and the blog.

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