Sunday, 29 June 2014

My first English walk

 Karen and Andy are publishing a book on walks in Herefordshire and need to check the directions of a walk around Lingen village. After a lazy breakfast we drive to the start of the walk. The hedgerows are so tall and make the roads so narrow that you can't see ahead very far and need to be careful about oncoming traffic.  Sometimes we had to stop and back into a gate entrance to let other cars past. The village of Lingen is quite tiny with only a pub and church and a few houses clustered together. It is a shock to realise that many of these hamlets have such limited services but there is a school and shops in a larger town nearby. Herefordshire is primarily rural and in many ways offers great opportunities for a quiet almost secluded life. In Australian terms it isn't too far from major centres but people here think 12 miles is a long way to travel!
The walk is through public footpaths that go through woods, alongside streams, across meadows with sheep, past farms with sheep and pigs. It has some good climbs with wonderful views. 

The countryside is so neat and picturesque. The warm weather and rain has caused a surge in growth and the path is overgrown in many places. I struggle with my friend the blackberries and nettles that sting my arms, as well as thistles to prick and long grass to trip over. The lushness is such a contrast to Spain and home. The pasture is so rich and succulent. This benign countryside is full of plants trying to scratch and sting me. Not so benign at all. Despite these small trials it was a beautiful walk. Towards the end we passed through a farm where the farm dog was so friendly and then rushed up to the pig pens with us wanting to play with the pigs. It was quite funny watching her jump and lie flat and jump up when the pigs stood up.

Eventually after two and a half hours we return to the village and take refreshment at the pub. It was a good walk and it felt great to be out in nature again. 

When we returned home we got stuck into the raspberry picking and now black and red currants are ripening as well. Picking raspberries is a daily task during the season and there are so many that we are filling two large containers every day. For me it is luxury to have so many. They are delicious. Andy and Karen's home is very quaint with a rambling garden, a field for a few sheep and another field where they have planted a huge number of trees to start their own wood.

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